Extended Clubs
Active Learners Education provides breakfast, lunch and after school clubs, let us know what service you want and we will deliver. The clubs that we provide are:
Multi Sports
All of our clubs can be accessible for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 and are administrated by our administration team so you don't have to do any work. All clubs can be included in to your half or full day booking at no extra cost.
Our school provision provides an extensive participating of a wide range of inventive activities keeping them safe, engaged and beneficial for parents who require childcare up to 6pm peace, essentially knowing they are having FUN!
Our fun drama club is designed to engage the children in a fun and creative way. They will be exercising their imaginations and taking part in improvisation, character work, exploring the way the body moves and tells stories, devising, script work and much more. Each term ends with a performance for the parents straight after the final class to see what the children have been up too and to celebrate their developments and achievements with a small awards ceremony. This can be added as an extension of your PPA booking.

MFL language club is a great way for children to extend their learning away from our MFL PPA lessons. Our Spanish, French, Mandarin and Italian teachers are passionate about teaching their naive language and culture. All our tutors are qualified, have experience in teaching children. This can be added as an extension of your PPA booking.

The school curriculum is so jam packed that children often don't get the time to explore their own creative talents. Tiny Artists aims to give children an opportunity to express themselves in a fun and supportive after school ART club. This can be added as an extension of your PPA booking.

Our music after-school clubs are great fun for pupils to learn. Children are taught to play different instruments as well as reading scores. Performance skills are taught in a fun and friendly way by trained music teachers. Fun performance skills are taught in a fun and friendly way by trained musicians who specialise in working in EYFS, KS1, and KS2. This can be added as an extension of your PPA booking.

Multi-Sports allow children to explore and enjoy a diverse range of fun filed sports activities. This is fast growing activity amongst pupils, as it is a variety and collection of creative sports and games delivered to bring fun and fulfilment to children of all ages. This is perfect for children who enjoys variety or wants to find out which sport they enjoy the most. It is a great way for children to come together, make new friends and work in teams.

Football is a great way to bring children together, so they can learn to work in teams to achieve goals and have fun. They do not need to be a at any particular level to join our fun and interactive sessions for all abilities, but if they would like to develop their football skills to a competitive level, Active Learners is a great to learn technical and transferable skills. Football builds children in multiple ways aside from the technical skills acquired.

Gymnastics helps children to build a range of coordination and motor skills including balance, agility and good posture. It aids children in developing muscle strength and endurance. Gymnastics helps children to learn about body awareness, improves their body coordination, and develops toned muscles. Exercise helps children to develop at emotional, cognitive and physical levels.

Our street dance club is created to offer street dance classes for all children - from absolute beginners. Our aim is to create and grow a group of passionate dancers where they can rely and support on each other while learning street dance and developing their dance skills

Our fun basketball club helps children of all abilities improve their skills through structured coaching sessions that develop dribbling, shooting, passing, rebounding, understanding and effective game play ability. As well as loads of fun e aim to teach correct technique with an emphasis on fun and building confidence in all participants so they may maximise their enjoyment and full potential.

Our Cricket club is all about the fun, being positive and building confidence in children. Developing the micro motor skills to help children feel comfortable, confident and make them feel every swing and movement is natural. Natural movement where we build up the micro core physical attributes for children which is critical.

Dodgeball is a team game in which players must dodge or catch balls thrown by the opposition whilst attempting to strike their opponents in the same way. The game has rapidly grown in popularity over the last decade, particularly among schools.

Our Mini Handball Tournaments are the perfect opportunity for our young players to put all their new handball skills to the test Handball is an exciting and action packed team sport which is great fun to play, it is recognised as the fastest ball sport in the world and became a massive hit in Britain after success in the London 2012 Olympic games.